
by Danielle

My Journey to Safer Skin Care

I first started getting eczema my freshman year in college. Aside from getting severely chapped lips every winter of my childhood, I had never had skin issues before this. Thankfully, it was easily controlled with topical steroids and immunomodulating creams. And then I got my first job in which I was scrubbed into surgery every day. All was well for 3 years, until my skin started rebelling. I constantly had welts up and down my arms and legs. That same year, I also developed dyshydrosis, which was one of the worst forms of torture I've ever experienced - excruciatingly itchy blisters on the tips of my fingers that, when they ruptured, formed incredibly painful, deep crevasses that took months to heal. I couldn't sleep due to the pain and itching, my self-confidence plummeted, and I was spending alarming amounts of time attempting to conceal the lesions and even more money on any and every cream and medication I thought might help. Oh, and along the way, I had two melanomas excised, which somehow had become the least of my concerns.

Finally, after seeing countless dermatologists, I was referred to an allergist, who after a simple round of patch testing diagnosed me with severe allergies to chemical accelerants, which are used to make medical exam gloves. All I had to do was switch to a special glove at work and my troubles would go away. Well, they did improve, but it wasn't until I stopped using certain surgical gowns (particularly those sterilized with formaldehyde-related agents) that my skin finally cleared up. My dyshidrosis, however, didn't go away until I learned that it can be caused simply by wearing metal jewelry - even if you're not allergic to any metals. So I stopped wearing metal jewelry, and finally, my skin was starting to look normal. I still got red patches on my face and arms here and there, but that was nothing compared to what I'd been through.

By now, I had taken quite an interest in what ingredients my skin care products contained. I not only learned that many of them contained formaldehyde and unnecessarily high amounts of metal (both of which I was now avoiding), but that there many other potential allergens, irritants, hormonally disruptive chemicals, and even carcinogens in everyday household items. I immediately started searching for safer options. It was 2016, and it was apparent which company was leading the way in producing safer skin care products, while encouraging other companies to do the same. Beautycounter was on a mission to put safer products into the hands of everyone, and had a vast selection of skin, hair, body, baby, and men's care products. I slowly started replacing my personal care products to Beautycounter that year. My skin got clearer and less sensitive (or rather, less provoked). I could actually wear eye make-up without regretting it the next day, and my steroid ointments were being used less and less often. The more I used their products, the more I trusted their safety and saw that safer products can be just as effective. And all the while, more and more companies have started making safer options, largely in part to the awareness Beautycounter has brought to the industry. My passion for the topic and belief in Beautycounter's mission led me to become a consultant in 2019, not to "sell" Beautycounter, but to become more knowledgeable about safer skin care and help those I care about make cleaner choices. Everything you put on your skin should be good for you; it's as simple as that. I urge you to download a copy of Beautycounter's Never List, and then open your medicine cabinet. Does your sunscreen contain oxybenzone? Does your foundation have butylparaben? Does your anti-aging cream have retinol? If so, you may be increasing your and your family's risk of cardiovascular disease, infertility, pediatric development, and cancer. You might say there isn't enough research to say for sure, and you'd be right - but why risk it when there are safer options available?

I urge you to contact me if you have any interest in learning more about cleaner skin care, whether you want to try Beautycounter products or not. I'd be happy to help you make the change, because it can truly be a daunting one. Please email me at, visit my Beautycounter website at, or fill out the form below. Lastly, check out the links at the bottom of this page; I've included every resource I know of to help you learn about and get your hands on safer products.

If You're Interested in Beautycounter

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    • Cost: $29 annually
    • Perks: free gift (often worth more than the cost of the membership!), free shipping on orders over $100, 10% cash back towards next order
  • Consider becoming a consultant
    • This isn't for everyone, but if you're passionate about safer skin care and love Beautycounter products, this is a great option for you
    • Perks: a Beautycounter website, online non-mandatory training, discounted products, behind-the-scenes updates on upcoming product releases and promotions
    • If you don't like being a consultant, you can downgrade to Band of Beauty membership without any repercussions!