Live . Learn . List

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Hello! My name is Danielle. I am a:

  • Christian wife and mother to two girls
  • Physician Assistant and Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist
  • Graduate from University of Scranton, Northeastern University, and Rutgers University
  • Health advocate, fitness enthusiast, and Beautycounter consultant
  • Sufferer of sensitive skin, insomnia, and a type A personality
  • Self-diagnosed obsessive researcher and compulsive organizer

Why make a website of lists?

I have loved to outline and organize information for as long as I can remember. I also tend to research topics to exhaustion and try to make well-educated decisions whenever possible.

One thing that has always frustrated me is that I could never find one place with all of the information I needed; instead, I have repeatedly found myself searching for another article, another blog post, just to answer all my questions or get more ideas. My goal here is to compile all of the facts, advice, tips, and tricks I've collected on every topic I've researched, so that those of you looking for information on that topic can pick and choose what relates to you, hopefully with minimal Googling past that.


I'd love to hear from you! Feel free to using any of the methods below:





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